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Meet your 2025 APHE
Board of Director Nominees

The goal of the APHE board is to support members of the organization by providing and increasing member benefits.  That goal is accomplished through a combination of efforts but is significantly due to the steadfast work done by the 12 to 15 volunteer board members each year.  As such, we invite members to take a role in our election progress. 

For the 2025 election we have six spaces on the APHE Board of Directors to fill. Below is information on this year's nominees including their resumes, cover letters, and responses to questions submitted by APHE members.

You can choose up to six names or write in an alternate. To write in an alternative candidate please select 'Other' and write their name on the line provided. Only one vote per APHE member.  If you have any questions please email

Voting period: February 10th-14th.  Voting will close at 6pm ET / 5pm CT on the 14th.  


© Association of Professional Humane Educators